Saturday, October 21, 2017

Careful how you ask for things... (Fable)

Blustering in through an open window beside her, the wind brought a chill to the back of her neck. Leaning over to close the window she remarked "Boy it's getting chilly out these days." to the dog warming her feet. Looking back she could remember it was only a month ago she'd been in that field with the air so still and the hot afternoon sun blazing down on her. Then she had been asking the universe to please send her a cooling breeze. "Took you long enough!" She thought to the universe. "Guess I should have been more specific on when I wanted the wind with my request that day, huh?"

© A. Bougie 10/19/2017

Written from a writing prompt on the element AIR presented by the lovely and talented writer  Victoria Erickson.

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