Friday, August 4, 2017

Eternal Spirit - Spoken Word on Youtube

Eternal Spirit

© A. Bougie - 11/12/2006

Six years stranded
Still falling 
I stand when I can
Still trying
To turn out what I'd planned
Ideas encouraged
Without doubt
She never failed
To believe
The possibilities
She endowed to me
Built of and by her
My body entire
She bequeathed 
To me her fire
Luminous jewels
Drops of knowledge
She filled me with
Hope eternal 
Composed me of
The best she was
My mother is gone
She's been in ashes
For six years long
Because of her 
I am strong
I carry her spirit on 

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful. I lost my father five years ago and your words resonate deeply with me <3


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