Wednesday, October 28, 2015

True Bastion of Hope (Growing Together Organically)

Stepping forward
Facing challenges
Ever oncoming
Know I just might
Have to start running
I've chosen this path
Where my soul longs to align
With the highest purpose in mind
Rising to the occasion
Chances given
With any luck
Could lead me to see
These dreams become reality
So when pressure is applied
I ride
The cresting hills
Climbing plateaus
Working as I go
To build a palace
For a true bastion of hope
And begin
Sustainably sharing
A space to actually make
More than just dreams
Come alive
I contrive
For a place and time
To give opportunity
That artists and inventors
May freely create
Relate and meditate
Growing together organically
Fruits of labor
That will nourish
A whole community


  1. One of my favorite poems yet! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Your writing gives me insight into how you've learned to operate in order to achieve your goals. I appreciated looking at this one you wrote 3 years ago as it helps me understand the perspectives you've attached to which aided you along the way. You've always been very encouraging about my music. I feel the same about your art here. You've been blogging your work a long time. It's a rich catalog; that is impressive in itself. Thank you for sharing it with the world. It also inspires me to start blogging again. Just to say.

    1. Really appreciate your taking the time to read and comment. Hope we have opportunity to commune soon!!


Feedback always welcome!!! Let me know what you think, or are reminded of after reading. Thanks for stoppin' by!