Saturday, April 18, 2015

Absolute Astute (Spoken Word on Soundcloud)

Tell me things
I've yet to hear
Things have always
Been so very
Discombobulated here
Now I'm seeing
All the fortuitous
Laid out in a line
On the path 
I've left behind
My pre-meditation
Was lacking
In retrospect
I reflect
Upon those
Past steps
As I tread new ground
I allow my
Creativity to abound
It's high time I
Came around
And use properly
The talent
I've found
I know I 
Can cope
No matter
What comes up
I've been through
To keep myself
I'll be the
Person I always
Knew I was
No more wandering
Misleading trails
I've got more
Than plenty
Of those tales
To tell
Of the misfortune
That befell
My fate
I'm not too sore

As of late
As I'm still learning
More from before
How to refrain
Rather than
Repeating those
Reverse the spiral
Even if it takes
Quite a while
I'm quite sure I'll
Round this corner
An absolute astute
To my intuitive warner

© A. Bougie (11/30/2007)
Recorded live at Heads in Harmony Music & Arts Festival 2011

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