Friday, December 21, 2012

Ever The Same - I Tell You - Commutate - The Divine Aligned - Please Take Flight

Energy Joins All

Original Artwork by - Amber Morgaine Bougie
Acrylic Paint on Canvas - November 2012

The symbol which makes the focal point on this piece I first drew one night over 10 years ago and have come to call Eidjah. It means to me something akin to my view on God. My belief is that everything in existence is energy- all that is, was and will be. This energy which is everlasting, is ever evolving and is something of which we are all equal parts of.  This energy is divine, it flows from the source within us all and is joined together inextricably in what we call the cosmos.

I shortened this meaning to make the title of my 2nd collection of poetry-     "Energy Joins All"

Here is a 5 poem sampler from "Energy Joins All" I find poignant for the spirit of the journeys I see being tread today...

Ever the Same

Wanting more
I saw less
Advancing ideas
Erupting from your mind
Stagnation and denial
Centers of comfort
Blanket your ambition
To grow
For it is easier 
Not to know
Than give in
To the wonder
Of mysteries
Beyond ourselves
Or pre-conceptions
On the depth
Of the well
And your inept ability
To see
Spectrums unfathomed
Unfolding within
Your sub-conscious untold
Fragments forming
A fragile pile
Of excuses
Probable explanations
Reasons to remain
Undeveloped, and
Ever the same


I Tell You

I tell you it’s
Living these
I tell you I
Seeing those

I tell you to
There’s no chance
No time to
Any chances you
So be
Fully open your

I tell you now
That everything
Depends on your
I tell you my
Glass is
And filling still
By the strength
Of my will



The energy had been
In and out, in
Spatters and spurts
Come around to find
In that state
Nothing really works
The time has come now
At this moment in fate
That we flick the switch
An initiative to commutate
A change over to
Direct current
Ever going
On flowing
Down stream
Straight energy
This modification
Should be one of
A lasting duration


The Divine Aligned

The time has come
To move along
To stand tall
And remain strong
Live for today
Learning to hold
The fantasies at bay
But keep the dream alive
See the
Silver lines
That entwine
And the divine

Vibrations resounding
Sere tendrils
With the water
Of life
Hidden light
Bubbles forth
A silent source
The geyser
Heated by the fire
From within


Please Take Flight

Let me grow
Help me to know
Everything I need
In order to succeed
These otherworldly plans
I’ve made
To engage fully
My mind
Make proper use
Of time
Taking steps
On the road
The only one for me
Clearly I can see
Everything coming along
At a faster relative pace
Working toward this place
Of dreams and learning
Meditation and growth
Joy and peace
I will not release
My motivation
Or belief
Something this way comes
To some it numbs
All reason
Others awaken
Spirits formerly dormant
Opening eyes
As they realize
A full picture colored
With intentions
With ideas and inventions
In tune with what we see
These arrays of displays
From which we must
Learn to look away
Distractions can endear
Imbibing us to fear
Our future failures
Into becoming
A reason not to try something

Give me strength
To move away from the brink
Of desperation
Allow that I find
Sublime elation
Through my deeds
Solace in my self
Courage to uphold
My convictions
Grant me
Humble wisdom
Based in light
As I learn
To make dreams
Take flight


Happy Solstice 2012  - May this entrance into the new age be one done with mindfulness, and a focus on enlightening ourselves and  heightening our level of connection with the world around us. We must learn to return to a more symbiotic relationship with the environment,  as well as the people we are and affect. 

Thankfully I find ever increasing numbers of those who also realize this-

Let us remember our power now and work together in unity to co-create this new age, raising vibrations, filling it with the everlasting love & light that pours from the well within! 

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