Monday, June 25, 2012

Stolen Grace

Show me a picture of Christiana

I'll show you
Stolen grace
Show me that
Dancing, smiling
Goofy girl

That classic beauty

My dear departed friend
Josh Sleeper fell in love with
And couldn't live without
I saw him hanging 

In her conscience
As she spiraled out
And prayed for days
When she could
Walk and talk and laugh
Through fields of flowers
At peace again
With him
How could one deranged
On a whim
Such an amazing spirit
As that funny girl
Full of life
We once knew
That brazen fearless woman
She grew up to be
I want her here now
She should be dancing
Right here beside me
Her brilliant smile
Warming those around
I remember her shining essence
And long for the grace of her presence

So show me a picture of Christiana
And I'll show you
Stolen grace
Show me that
Dancing, smiling
Goofy girl
That classic beauty

I remember her shining essence
And long for the grace of her presence

Show me a picture of Christiana
I'll show you
Stolen grace

This poem was written in memorial of a beautiful soul taken too soon through violent means. Miss Christiana Melusine Fesmire will remain forever in our hearts.

©A. Bougie June 2012
Photo Credit: KB Tindal


  1. i can't even swallow my sorrow. this woman is missed by so many people. it's truly unbelievable


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