Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Forward Toward Oblivion


We sit or stand
Star found
The water (of life) on fire
Stable like a solid
Of elements
Charted on the wall
In particles
Rise and fall
Wander on
Through us all
It's a blind science
These physics
In faith
Possibilities are endless
With the option
Open invitation to bliss
At the foot of infinity
This second now is
All there is is now is
All of you, all of me
Everything is one
In this infinity
It all comes back around
Full circle
Fully encompassingly
We lose a bit of ourselves
In it all
Let the sacred revelation
Until we see the reflection
Inspecting, detecting
Future direction
Forward toward oblivion
Taken capture
By the rapture
Held at bay
Staved away
Always waiting for
That perfect day
Is so full
Of all these areas
Of gray
But never let me hear
You say
There's no good to come
All this rain
I'm tired of hearing
You complain
Everything rushes
Right down the drain
And it's so lame
You nearly had me thinking
The same
I was trying to play
Your game
Time I roll
My own dice
And think twice
From a different perspective
My own elective
I am a piece of it all
All I know for sure is
It's nothing
But it's coming
Together quite well
I'd like to think
I can tread the water
And breathe the fire
So I won't sink
I'll just keep skating circles
Around this joke of a rink
Might miss it if I blink
I'll sit or stand
I've got big things planned
Just not charted
Or really even started
But this day is new
And my hair is neatly parted
That means anything
Could happen
I could use this cosmic energy
If I could only remember how
To tap in
And run off
The purity
Found with the connection
When you know you're headed
In the right direction

© A. Bougie 

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