Monday, September 5, 2011

Using The Force

Blazing my trail

If I stay to my path
Taking each counted step carefully
I'll manifest the subtle math
I'll make it through 
The milieu
Of diversions
I'll not stray
No not all the way
But I'll have
Interesting excursions
On my stroll towards
Harmonic convergence
Harvesting the fruits
Of labor
Of love
Of knowledge
Telling the story
Of the stones
From the quarry
Rocks from the river
Water from the well
Liquid in motion
The rain will fall
But I'm not scared at all
I know the proper pitch
To irrigate the ditch
Keeping the garden
Well watered
I maintain
The mainframe
Well soldered
Silver lined circuits
Carrying the current
Directing the energy
To me
And through me
Flowing from me
Ever so excitedly
I am mapping the course
I am using the force
Pulling me along
Keeping me strong
In my journey
Onward I tread
The sky is no longer red
I've past beyond that dimension
Working towards my ascension
Walking forward
Sometimes small steps
Are the most steady
I try to only climb
When I know I'm ready
When I've got a good grip
And my fingers won't slip
And the roots won't rip
Out of the ground
Because they are well wound
Deep into the bedrock
Grown into a sturdy stalk
A marker amidst my walk
The tallest tree
I've yet to see
The vision
Rings true to me
Me to delighting
In a quickened pace
Up the face
Of the mountain
My path doth climb
Marked clear as mine
As the sun doth shine
Beaming through the clouds
That ray will lay
Clear as day
In spring
In May
I pray
To be humble
And not to stumble
Once more along the way
Lest the mighty thunder rumble
Let me heed the warning
Let me see the morning
As the sun crests
The mountain top
I will go on
I will not stop

© A. Bougie (

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